I am Zach Brown and my passion is driven by helping you elevate your curriculum and become the best educator you can possibly be regardless of how long you have been in the education game.
To connect ~ email: twentyfirstcenturyeducator@outlook.com
In a nutshell, I am an Ohio based teacher, coach, and fitness nerd who loves basketball, watching The Big Bang Theory, and jamming out to country music in the car.
I may not know who you are; what your goals are; where you are along your education journey, but if you’re looking for a short cut or a quick fix I can tell you right now that there aren’t any.
But what I do have is a set of skills and body of knowledge that I have acquired over years of experience, study, and research that make me the perfect choice for someone like you. How each person teaches in their classroom is highly fluid base on the district, students, and who you are as a person, but there are certain guiding principles that are common amongst all successful teachers. If you leave your contact info I can make sure that we are maximizing yourself as an educator to make sure you are elevating your students, your curriculum, and yourself as an educator to make sure you are maximizing the time you are with your students in the classroom.
We specialize in many areas that include getting first year teachers on their feet and set up for success early in their career, helping teachers transition to a more hands on approach through the implementation of problem based and project based learning, as well as other tips for better organization, improved use of prep time, as well as stategies for effective instuction and class room management.
The stuff you may or may not care about: I went to college, studied AYA education specializing in integrated science, and then followed that up by completing my masters degree in curriculum and instruction specializing in biology. I have been working as a high school science teacher for six years across two different school districts, and have also been a football and basketball coach throughout my time as a teacher.
Regardless of your goals, amitions, or where you are on your journey as an educator, we are here to help. We are here to help you become the best version of yourself and to help set you on a path to maximize your time as an educator through elevating you and your curriculum.