Hey what’s going on guys, talking today about the importance of summer planning and how to use your summer effectively to not only relax and recharge, but also to take a few things off your plate when you return to school so life during the school year isn’t as crazy as it usually is.
First, summer planning allows for time to reflect on the previous school year, both big picture wise and also lesson to lesson. During the school year things are going at such a fast pace that it is hard to find time to really dig deep into reflection and analyze what worked and what did not work to allow for improvements moving forward in your classroom. Summer is the perfect time for that, and allows time for you to consider if you need to make any changes, and if so how will those changes positively impact your students.
Next, summer planning allows for the opportunity to make any larger adjustments that may take more time to prepare, put together, or gather resources for. The extra time in the summer is perfect for this as it allows you to work on these adjustments at your leisure without feeling rushed or overwhelmed from having to find time around the other work that you already have as a teacher during the school year.
Another huge benefit is that it removes some of the pressure that can build up during the school year by giving you one less thing you have to worry about when the school year gets busy and hectic. The time in the summer can be used to get ahead in planning, make and changes to improve your classroom, and also flesh out new ideas of new concepts you want to bring into your classroom. It allows you to get ahead so that way during the school year, the only thing that should need done planning wise are any minor tweaks that are necessary.
Next, summer planning allows for an easy transition to the school year as the school year starts to get under way. Planning over the summer lets you work ahead with planning so that all you need to focus on is getting your classroom ready for new students, as well as the various housekeeping and administrative things that come up at the beginning of every school year. As has been stated multiple times, it just gives you one less thing you have to worry about during the school year.
But lastly, while summer planning is important, it is also important to make time to relax and decompress in order to recharge your batteries for the upcoming school year. Giving yourself an opportunity to not only plan ahead, but also recharge is the key to making sure you are the most effective teacher on day one, and also throughout the school year. The key here is to have balance and not swing too far one way or the other during the summer.
Hope that helps and that you guys are able to take something with you and apply it to your classroom. As always, any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Have a great rest of your day!